Our company performs the following topography and cadastre services for the following specialized works:
- Topographic measurements with classical technology and GPS-RTK for buildings located both in and out of towns;
- The first registration of the building in the integrated cadastre system based on the Property Title;
- The first registration of the building based on the old land book or on the basis of Decree Law no.42/1990;
- Marking the possession in the land book;
- Updating the cadastral information – urban / extra-urban, administrative number, category of use;
- Tabulation of the property right over the constructions – notation of the constructions;
- Notation of constructions built before 2001 without a building permit based on the Fiscal Certificate;
- Deletion of constructions from the land book;
- Detachment of a building in two or more lots;
- Bonding of two or more buildings;
- Topographic study necessary to obtain the Building Permit or the Demolition Permit;
- Documentation necessary to obtain the Urbanism Certificate (CU);
- Tracing the boundaries of buildings with GPS-RTK technology in real time;
- Survey for private and industrial constructions required for real estate appraisals;
- Band topographic measurements – railways, roads, electrical networks, natural gas transport, running water;
- Oriented images obtained with drones about the measured, studied building;
- Personalized and oriented orthophotoplanes in the national reference system Stereographic 1970;
- Detailed topographic measurements for the rehabilitation of churches and historical monuments – exterior and interior;